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Tala Clears all loans for its clients (Covid-19)

Tala knows how challenging this time has been for you and your families. The COVID-19 crisis has, in a short amount of time, turned all our lives upside down. 

As a result, Tala has had to make many changes very quickly to keep their team safe and business healthy. They’ve been doing their best to support you through these changes, but I know there have been times recently where they’ve let you down.

We know we won’t always get it right, so we want to thank you for your patience and understanding. These times are unprecedented, and we are learning from you every day about how to be resilient in times of crisis. We have heard your feedback, and we are working tirelessly to get back to normal operations. In the meantime, we wanted to provide an update on the support you can expect from Tala during this time.

  • Flexible repayment: We know our customers have been affected in different ways. If you are unable to repay by your due date due to COVID-19, we want to help. Please reach out to us at [email protected] and we can work together on a revised repayment plan.
  • Modified lending: We remain committed to serving as many existing customers as possible during this time. As a result, some of our customers may receive loan offers that are lower than their previous limit. Please note that this change will not affect your good standing with Tala, and we will return you to your previous limit as soon as we are able.
  • Trusted information: For customers looking for free, trusted information on COVID-19, we’ve developed a Resource Center in our app and on our website. The list has been curated with the help of our teams and partners and we’re always taking new ideas. Please reach out to us if you have suggestions to help your fellow Tala community members during this time.
  • Supporting essential workers: We have developed a new long-term Community Support Loan for Tala customers who are providing essential services to their communities during this time – including accessible healthcare, fairly priced foods, or sanitary household products. We believe that investing in these customers can have a multiplying effect and help speed up recovery for our community as a whole. Our first loans have already been disbursed and we look forward to sharing progress. 

We are confident that we will get through this crisis, together. And we will be here for you in the years to come. Thank you for your trust in us during this time. Please stay healthy and safe.


Tambua Africa Reporter

Blogger and news writer at Tambua Africa News.

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