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How to make money online

Many people are hungering because of the outbreak of Corona virus in the world. Corona virus a contagious disease which emanated from China has brought the whole world to a stand Still. Many people loosing their lives many countries came up with strategies to curb the spread of this deadly disease,

Strategies to curb the spread of this deadly disease, – CORONA VIRUS
  1. To stop all gatherings be it Political, social or Religious.
  2. Stop all schools and allow pupils to stay in their homes together with their parents.
  3. Tourism was also affected since international travels were stopped
  4. Many companies and Work places stopped their operations due to inability to pay their workers
  5. wear masks while in public places or crowded areas
  6. Wash hands regularly
  7. Stay at home

Many people lost their jobs due to this disease. They were urged to stay at home and be safe not knowing how they will survive through this pandemic. If you are one of them today we are going to discuss how you can make food to your table while at home.

  1. Stat an online referral program to any company of your choice and be paid
  2. Be a blogger. At school you learned about content writing and best composition making. Now it is time to apply the skill you learned at school earning a total mark of 40/40
  3. Associate with You-tubers and learn how they make money on YouTube channels
  4. Make and sell masks
  5. Sell sanitizers and soap
  6. Start a fund raiser for your self and your family.
  7. Do farming at home and sell foodstuffs
  8. Offer online services – in-case you have any skills

Tambua Africa Reporter

Blogger and news writer at Tambua Africa News.

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