Mzuka Kibao gradually outweighs Mdundo as best music platform
Best online Music platform
Music promotion in the country has been one of the most tedious processes for artists to get recognition. Music makers have made it through the recording processes as they openly speak but have encountered obstacles in finding the best platform to use in distribution of their content and reach anonymous audiences.
Head to head we analyse to major music platforms MZUKA KIBAO and MDUNDO MUSIC. The two are best places to share your your songs through. But the two are slightly different where by
1. Mzuka Kibao
This website is owned by an individual in the country Kenya. All posts are done on request and linked to one content creator. Although music reaches more people but the music owner is not entitled to any pay or even statistics on how many downloads the song gets.
Artists who love the website have requested to have the Administrator create a front end page for them to manage and upload contents on their own. Through this they can be able to track their own stats and push their content widely.
Youtube mzuka kibao grows gradually hitting 35.5k Channel Subscribers with 5k Playstore App Downloads.
2. Mdundo Music
Mdundo is also a best platform to distribute music. Incase you want to share your music at the same time earn some airtime from it, then this is the place to be. On Mdundo you have the opportunity to create your own profile page.
Through this profile you can be able to submit your music, monitor your stats and download and also check on how much money you earn from downloads. Although the pay is not supportive. Artists have also urged Mdundo to act fair and pay content creators a bigger portion than consuming more royalties than the content owners themselves. According to the musicians mdundo can take even 5 years without playing their little accumulated amounts.
Mdundo has 2.22k YouTube subscribers with over 500k playstore Downloads.
Which one is the best between Mdundo and Mzuka Kibao?
Having discussed the two we also contacted the upcoming artists to help in carrying out an online survey. The artists from their own opinion have mostly suggested Mzuka Kibao company compared to Mdundo music. One major reasons was concerning the way and how popular the platform is growing. They also hoped Mzuka Kibao will sort their suggestions out in order to be more perfect and productive.