Junior, Becky Citizen Tv Actor’s Biography, Age, Nationality, Girlfriend and Family

Who is Junior of Becky Citizen Tv Show?

Junior is a male actor in Becky Citizen Tv Show. His real name is Andrew Levi. He executes his lead role as Junior perfectly as a boychild from a royal family, the husband to Trisha and baby dady to Jeff.

Andrew Levi catches his audience with a deep voice and and a Soap accent. He is a Zambian national by birth who has travelled across different continents.

Born in Zambia, Andrew’s journey took him across different continents. His parents led a life of travel, with stops in England, particularly London, Kenya, Asia in the Middle East, China, and several other places. His diverse background mirrors his unique experiences.

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He first studied abroad in the United Kingdom, where Andrew studied English and his primary language. He then picked luo as his third language.

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