Why Dp William Ruto is Cornered

Dp William Ruto replies to a report by the Kenya Magazine stating that he is Concerned over the BBI position.

Kenya Magazine Reports

The Deputy is in the catch- 22. To support his boss he must abandon his Hustler Flock. Yet he needs them to Fire up his power ambitions. To oppose BBI bill after publicly praising some clauses is like throwing the baby out with the birth water. To sit on the fence is a hallmark of cowardice for a man who loves good fight.

This report touched Dp William Ruto forcing him to reply directly via his Facebook page.

Deputy president William Ruto Replies

Cornered?? Not as easy as you think my friends. Scaling the stairs while chewing gum we do without a problem. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO DO THE RIGHT THING. Tremendous progress achieved. CONSENSUS on remaining ISSUES & PROCESS so as to have NON-DIVISIVE vote best OPTION.” Dp Says

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